
Kirkintilloch Golf Club

Club News


A cold start fertiliser has been applied this past week and members will notice a difference in the greens over the next couple of weeks. 

All the remaining clear up from the recent storm has been completed including the tree which came down at the 11th and the debris around the shelte and most of the logs have been repurposed.

The paths adjacent to the 11th tee and the one leading from that green have been tidied up and we will try and protect those areas until the turf knits. Solid tining of all greens,tees and approaches has also been carried out and we will top dress the greens again before the start of the season

The 15th green will remain off Monday to Friday for the next few weeks to allow the area which was recently drained to recover.

From 1st week in March we will begin cutting greens, fairways and rough in preparation for the new season but we will not remove fenced off areas until as late as possible.

For information the left greenside bunker which was recently returfed has been damaged by someone clearly walking out the front of it and damaging the newly laid turf and face in the process.  Please respect the work being done by the team to improve our course.


Online signup for these events is now OPEN via our Intelligent Golf App or via this website.

Campsie Road, Kirkintilloch , G66 1RN
Telephone: 0141 776 1256 | Email:

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